2021.1 Service Update
February 15, 2021
Release Notes
We're pleased to present our 2021.1 Service Update.
Please note that a major underlying reason for this release, in addition to the changes and issue resolutions listed below, is a rework of the foundation layers of the Workplace service that will allow us to more effectively scale our product.
We've edited our tooltips for the team shares interface to further clarify the meaning of your available options.
For general information about team and public shares, please refer to Manage project, folder, and file team shares.
When the PDF version option is selected for a public share, the expected behavior is that any files that can be converted to .pdf will be converted, and that the .pdf version will be downloaded. Additionally, any files that cannot be converted to .pdf will be available to download in their original form.
In this issue, when a file could not be converted to .pdf, it was simply not available for download.
The download options now function as designed.
Online editing policies within Workplace were applied by the system to items that had been publicly shared. Online editing policies, however, should apply solely to users, not to public shares.
The issue has been resolved and all public shares now function as designed, regardless of online editing policy settings.
Workplace Server did not recognize some external paths as valid sync paths. The issue has been resolved.
In a single case, restore from backup failed because several files in the backup set were infected with a virus. Those files could not and should not be restored, of course, but in this case they caused the remainder of the restore operation to fail. In our issue resolution, we've ensured that you can always restore from a backup, even when there are virus-infected files in the set; only those files will be excluded from the restore operation.