Workplace for Windows and Mac v10.3.1
October 21, 2021
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce the release of Workplace for Windows and Mac v10.3.1, which introduces the following changes and issue resolutions:

The create date and modified date are now retrieved from the Workplace service, which ensures consistent date information regardless of which Workplace component you are using. Create Date fields and columns will display the date the file/folder was created in the Workplace service. Modify Date fields and columns will display the last time the file was changed or the the last time the contents of a folder were modified.

Previously, if you were to right click a supported Microsoft Office file and lock it and then open it, SmartBadge did not unlock the file automatically when you finished working on the file. While this was the intended functionality, we've reconsidered and made a change. SmartBadge will now unlock a file when you close it (and SmartBadge is active), regardless of the mechanism by which the file was originally locked.
This behavior was recently updated for Workplace for Windows as well, and is part of a larger effort to enhance our file-locking mechanisms.
Issue Resolutions
In addition to our ongoing usability enhancements, in this release we've focused our efforts in the areas of connection stability, progressive download mechanisms, file conflict management, single sign-on/authentication issue resolution, and general user interface enhancements.

Various scenarios resulted in the Windows app losing access to the Workplace service and not being able to regain access.
A specific scenario that is resolved is when users changed their SSO password and their Workplace account is SSO-authenticated, they may have been prompted to enter a password within the Workplace v10 app. Devices may also get into this state on upgrade, and this is also resolved.
In addition, we've released enhancements preventing devices from repeatedly connecting to Workplace Server. While the performance inmpact of this issue was negligible, it was still an unnecessary transaction. We've made it smarter!

Opening large files resulted in the creation of excess log events, which slowed performance. The issue has been resolved.

Navigating through the Workplace folder structure and right-clicking on items would result in inconsistent menu options. This has been corrected and all available options for the project, folder, or files will display as expected.

In isolated scenarios, users with Create & Modify permissions were unable to save or make changes to files in specific applications. Attempts to do so were met with an error message and a 0 byte file. The issue has been resolved.

If backup preferences were set in Workplace Online and then the user switched to a linked account, the backup preferences for the first account were retained. Backup preferences will now display the settings associated with the account your are viewing.
Additionally, the remote wipe process would remove all accounts from the app previously. Now it only removes the specific account from the app.

When searching Workplace items offline, the resulting error message indicated that the search had timed out instead of letting the user know that they must be online to execute a search. The message is now more informative.

When notifications were displayed in dark mode, the text in buttons was rendered in black, making them difficult to read. The button text now show in an appropriately contrasting color.