Workplace for Windows and Mac v10.4.3
September 19, 2022
Release Notes
We're so pleased to present Workplace for Windows and Mac v10.4.3!
The stability and security of our service is always central to our development efforts. All releases contain improvements related to that goal; those improvements may also enhance app performance.
In addition, this release includes the following features, changes, and issue resolutions:

By popular demand, you now have the option of "pinning" your Workplace app search results to keep them visible as you do other things in other applications. Just execute a search in the Workplace app, and click the little pushpin icon to pin your results. When you're done, you can click the icon again to turn the feature off and close the Workplace app window. If you'd like to leave the feature on, just click the Workplace icon to close the window; the next time you execute a search, the results will remain pinned.

To mirror a feature added to the Workplace SmartBadge interface in Workplace for Windows and Mac v10.3 , we've enhanced the SmartBadge footer in Workplace for Mac to provide you with quick access to several common functions. In addition to the Help and Preferences links offered in the previous UI, you can now favorite/unfavorite an item, open the file location in Workplace Online, and go to the file location in your local Workplace folder.
For more information, please refer to SmartBadge

In order for the Workplace app for Mac backups to work properly in macOS Mojave or later, you must enable Full Disk Access. With the release of macOS Ventura, which includes substantial changes to System Preferences, the process for that has changed. We've updated our post-installation prompt, which lets users know how to enable Full Disk Access, and have also updated our documentation here: Do I have to do anything to my macOS settings to allow Workplace to function properly?

In the interest of consistency and the ongoing stability of the Workplace virtual file system (VFS), we've implemented two configuration changes to our context-based file system (CBFS) drivers.
Issue resolutions

For projects not synced for offline use, cutting a Workplace project folder and pasting it to a location outside the Workplace folder did not paste the content of the folder, only the container. This issue did not arise when the same operation was performs using drag-and-drop. The cut and paste function now carries folder contents along with the folder.

After previewing some types of image files from the Workplace folder, it was no longer possible to change the sync status from Available Offline to Online Only and vice versa. The issue has been resolved and all files may once again be freely synced or unsynced.

The Edit Online... option available from the context menu of the Workplace for Windows app was missing from the Workplace for Mac app. The option is now available in both OS versions of Workplace.

Workplace app searches in Mac returned results more slowly than the same search executed using the Windows app. We've improved the Workplace for Mac search function to perform as quickly as its Windows counterpart.

The appropriate logo did not appear as the icon for the Workplace Folder in the Finder sidebar. The generic folder icon has been replaced with the Workplace logo.