2017.2.1 Service Update
December 2017
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce our 2017.2.1 Service Update for Workplace, featuring enhancements and updates to

You can now save your Workplace Online reports for quicker access to the information you need to track. Your saved reports can also be scheduled to run automatically on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
When you schedule a report, you'll decide whether to send it to one or more users, save it to a Scheduled Reports project, or both.
For more information, please refer to Reports.

Our enhanced branding functionality allows Workplace administrators to customize the logos and color themes for Workplace Online, Workplace Desktop, Workplace Server, and Workplace Mobile.
You can set color theme and logo defaults to apply to all Workplace interfaces, or you can customize these items for each interface individually.
You also now have the option to customize the logo and text for activation, alert, and notification emails sent automatically from Workplace, and you can define different text for different languages.
We've provided you with detailed previews of your changes, so you'll know exactly what you're changing and what your customers will see.
Similar enhancements are also included in this release of Workplace Manager. You can brand Workplace for all your customer sites, including customization of each Workplace component (Online, Desktop, Server, and Mobile) and all system-generated emails.
NOTE Workplace Desktop 7.2 or later and Workplace Mobile 2.3 or later are required in order to display updated logos and color themes.
For more information

In Workplace Online, you now have the option to copy folder shares along with the contents of the folder, saving you the effort of recreating those shares in the new folder location.
If you are the project owner or have full access to the project and reshare permissions for both the original project and the project you are copying the folder to, you'll see this new option in the Copy Folder popup.
For more information, please refer to Folder Detail or Manage project, folder, and file team shares.

On the Workplace Manager > Devices page, you can use all the list customization features you've always had (filters, column chooser, column reorder, column sort order), and then save the view. Then you can quickly access your customized views. You can even schedule these filtered views as reports and schedule them for automatic email delivery.
For more information, please refer to Devices.

We're happy to announce improvements to our file conversion process. You'll see improved performance, conversion of more file types, and CAD conversion availability in all regions.
For more information, please refer to File conversion limits.