2018.4 Service Update
July 26, 2018
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce our 2018.4 Service Update, which contains the following features, changes, and issue resolutions:

The new Device Version Status widget on the Workplace Manager Dashboard makes it easy for you to see which devices require update.
For detailed information, please refer to Dashboard.

The new combined Team widget on the Workplace Manager Dashboard displays a total count of all your teams, including trial teams. The segments show active, disabled, and expired teams.
For more information about this widget and others, please refer to our Dashboard topic.

We've improved the View Filter options on the Workplace Manager Device tab to offer all four possible device states: Backup Failed, Backup in Progress, Backup Complete, and Backup Not Enabled.
We've also added a Version Status filter on the Devices tab.
For more information, please refer to Devices.
NOTE If you find that some devices are not running the most recent version of Workplace and wish to update them, please refer to Silent installation and/or Integrate with Datto RMM.

We've optimized the order and display of the grid columns on the Workplace Manager Teams, Users, and Devices tabs to make the most useful information more readily available.
NOTE You can still reorder and show/hide columns to meet your needs. These preferences are sticky when you use the same device and browser. To guarantee that you can always access your customized views, just use the Save Filter feature available on all grids.

You can now preview High Efficiency Image Format (.heif) files in Workplace Online.
For more information on file types that can be previewed in Workplace, please refer to Supported file types.

You can now reset your own two-factor authentication (2FA) device association in the event of device loss or change on the Two-factor authentication page in Workplace Online.

Account activation links will now automatically expire after one week.
NOTE If necessary, you may always resend the welcome email to a user from the User details or Connection Details pages, or from the right-click menu on the Users or Connection pages.

The Notifications settings page has been removed. All product notifications will be managed from our centralized marketing system.

We have made improvements to thumbnail image scaling in Workplace Online to offer a more consistent experience when previewing file thumbnails.

While online editing has always been noted in reports, the event now displays as "File Edited Online," making it easier for you to identify these events.
NOTE "Edited Online" events appear in the File Changed filter of Projects reports.
For more information, please refer to Reports.
Issue Resolutions

Previously, if Office 365 was enabled, but Google Docs was not, users couldn't create new documents via Workplace Online. This issue has been resolved.

The Workplace Service has been improved to increase speed when converting and loading preview images in Workplace Mobile for iOS.