2019.6.1 Service Update
November 18, 2019
Release Notes
We're pleased to present our 2019.6.1 Service Update. This service update includes the following:

We've made some minor labeling and tab order changes to the new login windows introduced in our 2018.6 Service Update that clarify the workflow.
We've also added new functionality to the password entry window that allows you to return to the username entry screen. So if you'd like to enter a different username, just click the icon:

We've made some changes to our Select Policies page in Workplace Online
The majority of these changes are simply terminology updates and some reorganization of the Workplace for Windows and Mac (formerly Workplace Desktop) policies section:
The Manage Projects to Sync page, however, has been updated to indicate that for v10, the projects on this page will always remain synced. Users will not be able to unsync these projects:
Issue Resolutions
In addition to a variety of minor enhancements and stability improvements, the following issues are resolved in this release:

On the Reports page, the File Unlocked Overridden event has been changed to File Lock Overridden for the sake of clarity.

Upload of large files via IE 11 did not complete successfully. The issue has been resolved.

After a previously excluded extension was removed from the Policy Defaults list on the Policy Defaults page, files of that type were still not backing up until the Workplace Desktop was restarted. The issue has been resolved.