2024.3 Service Update
August 22, 2024
Release Notes
We're happy to bring you our 2024.3 Service Update. The stability of our service is always central to our development efforts, and all service updates contain improvements related to that goal. We continue to make minor adjustments to the interface and implement general enhancements to improve security, performance, and your overall end-user experience. In particular, this release includes
Enhancements & changes

The Workplace Online header has been reconfigured so that the user options are accessible through the tab header
Where the previous interface showed all the options at the same level as the branding image for the team, with the tab header below, these options have now been integrated in to the tab header.
Articles related to items affected by this change have been updated.
Previous Interface:
New Interface:
NOTE Settings has been replaced with My Settings in the dropdown when you click your name.

Corrected an issue where the Manage Autotask PSA Connection button was not selectable.