Workplace Mobile 3.1 for iOS and Android
March 16, 2020
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce the release of Workplace Mobile 3.1 for iOS and Android, which includes the following:

This release makes it easier to edit MS Office files stored in Workplace using apps on your iOS mobile device, then save them back to Workplace using Workplace Mobile for iOS.
IMPORTANT You must return to the Workplace Mobile app after you've finished editing in order for your changes to sync.
We've provided detailed instructions for how to use this new functionality in a new FAQ, How do I edit files in Workplace my iOS mobile device, then save them back to Workplace?
NOTE Our previous in-app editor has been removed, as it's been replaced by this new feature.

This feature, available for Workplace Mobile for iOS, allows you to annotate Workplace files with Scribble, then save your changes to the original file. You'll no longer have to save the annotated item as a new file, which will cut down on unnecessary storage of additional files and make it easy for you to find your annotated items.
If you wish, of course, you can still "Save As...". This new feature just offers you another option.

When you import a batch of files (photos, for example) from your iOS device into Workplace, you can now rename them all at once. No more IMG_274.jpg, IMG_275.jpg, and so on!
Just enter a name that's actually meaningful to you, and all files selected for import will use that name with a number (1, 2, 3, etc.) automatically appended.

Workplace Mobile for iOS and Android is now available in Dutch!

In Workplace Mobile for iOS and Android, we've renamed the Recently Changed option to Team Activity in order to improve our consistency across Workplace components.

Workplace will now recognize any name changes made on a device and update the device name in the service accordingly.

We've improved the wording of the error message that displays when you attempt to add a Workplace Mobile account after you have already used up the number of Workplace Mobile device instances permitted. This change appears in Workplace Mobile for iOS and Android.

We've updated our .pdf conversion and display framework.
Issue Resolutions
In addition to the changes and features noted above, we have also made a variety of minor enhancements and stability improvements.