Workplace Server and Workplace Desktop 8.3
February 15, 2021
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce the release of Workplace Server and Workplace Desktop for Windows, and Workplace Desktop for Mac, which include the issue resolutions listed below.
Even as we work towards the goal of establishing v10 as our default installation app, we're learning from our work on our newest version and have applied that information in a series of stability-enhancing changes in this 8.3 release.
Issue Resolutions

In some rare cases, devices persistently disconnected from and reconnected to the service and was not able to maintain a consistent connection.
The issue has been remedied.

Microsoft Word > Open > Browser in Workplace did not always open the Workplace location by default. Instead, it occasionally opened the last location that was accessed. Word documents now open the correct location in the Workplace folder.

The Save As option was mislabeled and is now correctly named.

You can't add files to the root level of your local Workplace folder. If you try to, the system moves those items to your Personal Documents folder. An issue arose when items were added at the root level and the Personal Documents folder was missing. Sync problems resulted.
The issue has been resolved; mistakenly adding items at the root level will no longer affect Workplace sync.
For more information, please refer to Policy Profiles and Select Policies.

When the Workplace Outlook plugin is enabled, the Email Validation option under Preferences > Security for a new message did not stay selected upon save. Your selection will now persist.
For general information, please refer to Workplace Outlook plugin For information on setting security preferences for links sent via the Outlook plugin, please refer to Managing project, folder, and file public shares.

If a user with the Workplace Outlook plugin enabled were to open Outlook, then open and close any .msg or .eml file stored locally, they could not then reopen that message without closing and reopening Outlook. The issue has been resolved and locally stored messages can now be opened, closed, and reopened successfully.
For more information on our Outlook plugin, please refer our Workplace Outlook plugin topic.

Restoring empty folders resulted in the assignment of a random month and day to the restored folders. Curiously, the year 2038 was consistently applied to these restores. We've fixed the bug, refactored the code that handles timestamp functions, and all restored folders (even the empty ones) will now carry an accurate date stamp.
For more information about restoring files, please refer to Previous Versions.

Unexpected and/or improper Workplace app shutdowns (power failure or operating system crash, for example) did not always fully recover upon restart. We have put safeguards in place to prevent data corruption and ensure a complete recovery in those cases.