Workplace Server and Workplace Desktop 8.4
November 19, 2021
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce the release of Workplace Server and Workplace Desktop for Windows 8.4, and Workplace Desktop for Mac 8.4, which include the feature and issue resolutions listed below.

Workplace Desktop and Workplace Server are now available in 64-bit! Workplace installation executables will carry both 32- and 64-bit installation files, and will automatically detect and install the best version for your system. Users running the 64-bit Workplace app are likely to see a boost in performance.
Issue Resolutions
In addition to a variety of minor enhancements and stability improvements, the following issues are resolved in this release:

Performing a merge of a project with Workplace Server over a poor network connection sometimes resulted in sync stopping. This issue has been corrected.

In uncommon and isolated configuration scenarios, Workplace Desktop crashed and required manual restart. We have resolved the underlying issue.

The process that automatically repairs a Workplace Desktop installation when necessary also automatically attempts to repair the required .NET framework. Due to a change made by Microsoft, the .NET information could not be verified, causing the entire repair to fail. Since we are mainly concerned with the ability to repair Workplace code, we have modified this process so that a) the .NET repair only runs when necessary, and b) when it does run, Workplace can verify and accept the .NET update.

Some fringe scenarios caused files locked on Workplace Server to remain so when the user who locked them restarted their device. We've improved our handling of automated file locking and unlocking when the process is initiated by Workplace Server via the application locking conversion feature.