Workplace Mobile 2.3.1 for Android
March 15, 2018
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce the release of Workplace Mobile 2.3.1 for Android, featuring both functional and user interface improvements, as well as several bug fixes.
NOTE Several of the enhancements in this release are designed to bring Workplace Mobile for Android into greater parity with Workplace Mobile for iOS.
NOTE Workplace Mobile 2.3.1 requires Android 5.0 or later.

Previously, your only options when editing a document were Save as, which would create a new file. We've added the option to replace the existing file with your edited version.

Previously, when adding a file via the + menu and pressing cancel, you would have to start the entire process of adding the file again.
Now you will be prompted to confirm that you want to cancel, in case you tapped cancel by mistake.

Your permissions to a project or folder are now clearly visible in the Information area.

You can now rename files during a Move operation.

The Move function has been added to the actions menu, making it easier to get to.

In addition, this release contains several minor bug fixes to enhance security and stability.