Printer Detail
SECURITY All users
NAVIGATION Workplace Online > Click your name (My Account) > My Settings > Printers
The Printer Detail page allows you to review the print status of files you've sent to a specific printer and to share that printer with other users.
How to...

- Go to the Printer Detail page:
- Review the print history for this printer in the grid, which lists the file name, printed by name, status, print date, and number of pages.
NOTE To update the Status column for an item you've just printed, click the refresh icon at the top right of the page.
- To remove all items from the list, click Clear History.

- Click Share to open the Share Printer popup.
- Begin typing the name or email address of the person you'd like to share your printer with and select them from the automatic dropdown list, or click the Pick From Team link (or click the
icon) and select a name in the data selector.
- Edit the email message if you wish.
- Optionally, select the Send the share alert as a Text message check box.
- Click Share. An email message (and, if requested, a text message) will be sent to the selected user, and the printer will become available to them.