How do I reassign a project to a different owner?
ANSWER A project (a root level folder in Workplace) can be reassigned by the current project owner, by a team Super Administrator, or when a user is deleted.

Go to Workplace Online > Files.
Locate the project you want to reassign.
Right-click the project and select Manage > Reassign from the context menu. This will open the Reassign Project popup:
Select the new project owner.
Optionally select the Grant Full Access & Reshare permissions to old owner when reassigning the project check box.
Click Reassign Project.

Go to Workplace Online > Team > Manage Projects.
SECURITY You must be a Super Administrator in Workplace Online to access the Manage Projects page.
Locate the project(s) you want to reassign. You may wish to filter projects by owner name if you plan to reassign all the projects that belong to one user.
Right-click the project or use the multi-select check boxes to select more than one.
Select Manage > Reassign from the context menu. This will open the Reassign Project popup:
Select the new project owner.
Optionally select the Grant Full Access & Reshare permissions to old owner when reassigning the project check box.
Click Reassign Project.

If you are deleting a user, we recommend that you reassign their projects to a different users at the same time. To do so, go to Workplace Online > Users, and follow the instructions here: Delete a user.
If a user has already been deleted and you wish to reassign their projects now, please refer to I deleted a user and the projects they owned. Can I retrieve this data?