How do I make sure devices have the most recent version of the Workplace app?
ANSWER Follow the steps outlined below to keep Workplace devices current.
SECURITY You must have Full Access or Team Access privileges in Workplace Manager
When your clients are running outdated versions of Workplace, they may not be enjoying the best possible user experience. We recommend that you keep Workplace devices updated, and that you automate as many aspects of this process as possible using the following measures:

- Log into Workplace Manager.
- Go to Devices.
- Scroll to the right on the devices grid and check if the Version and Version Status column is displayed. If either is missing, click the column chooser button at the top right corner of the grid and make sure the Version and Version Status check boxes are selected.
- Click the Version Status filter and select Update required. To include devices that are running older versions of the Workplace app, but are not yet outdated, click the Version Status filter again, and select Update available as well.
- Click the Saved Filters button and select Save current filter. The Save Filter popup window will open.
- In the Name of filter field, enter Devices in Need of Workplace Update.
- Select the Schedule report from filter check box. This will expand more options.
- Select the Weekly radio button, then select the day of the week and time at which the report should run.
- In the Send by email field, select or enter a report recipient or recipients. Please select recipients who have Full Access or Team Access privileges in Workplace Manager.
- Click Save. A report on devices in need of update will automatically be delivered to the recipients you have entered, on the schedule you have configured.

We recommend that you deploy and monitor Workplace devices with a remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool. You can learn how to do that in our Can I monitor Workplace devices with a remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool? FAQ. For information about monitoring the Workplace app and Workplace Server with Datto RMM, please refer to Integrate with Datto RMM.

Workplace policies drive all the configrable behaviors in Workplace, including auto-update of the Workplace app. While we encourage you to use Silent installation, we recommend that you allow us to maintain user versions through our auto-update mechanism. This will ensure that users always have an up-to-date version of the Workplace app. Please do not enable the Restrict Update Automation policy unless you have an exceptionally good reason.
To learn more about this policy and others, please refer to Policy Profiles and Select Policies.

Learn about all your Workplace app installation options here: Install or uninstall the Workplace app and Silent installation.
It's not possible to auto-update instances of Workplace Server, but the update process is the same as the installation process described in Install or uninstall Workplace Server.