BMS/Vorex Ticketing Integration
SECURITY Workplace Manager
NAVIGATION Workplace Manager > > BMS Integration
Since Workplace app event alerts are only available in-app or via email, it can be cumbersome to review them all, especially when any number of alerts might occur after normal business hours. Furthermore, remembering to both create and close tickets in another system is a time-consuming and error-prone process.
If you use BMS/Vorex to track issues, our new API-based ticketing integration will radically reduce time spent on manual ticket creation and allow you to efficiently manage issues detected by Workplace. The integration provides:
Workplace team to BMS/Vorex account mapping
Workplace alert type to BMS/Vorex ticket priority mapping
Automated ticket creation from Workplace events (and control over which alert types create tickets)
Automated ticket closure upon event resolution in Workplace (and control over which alert types can self-heal)
The integration is simple to configure and works behind the scenes to track Workplace customer issues within the workflow process you've already established in BMS/Vorex.
How to...

- Create an API user in BMS/Vorex by following these instructions. Make a note of the username and password for the API user.
Go to your Settings menu and select Integration Center.
Click Connect on the BMS Ticketing Integration card. This will open the Integration Settings page:
To connect, enter the username, password, and organization of the API user you just created in BMS/Vorex, as well as the URL to be used with this integration.
If you use Vorex, your URL will be
If you use BMS, the URL will depend on your region:BMS US -
NOTE You can determine your region by looking at your BMS login URL.
Click Save. The page will refresh when the connection is established:
In the Ticket Settings area, select default values for the following: BMS Ticket Queue, BMS Issue/Subissue Type, BMS Type, and BMS Source. These are the values that will be applied to any tickets automatically generated by the integration for Workplace alerts.
In the table immediately below, configure the behavior you'd like the integration to execute for each Workplace alert type. For each alert type, you may choose to automatically create a ticket in BMS/Vorex, automatically close the ticket in BMS/Vorex when the triggering event is resolved in Workplace, and apply the ticket priority you select here.
Click the Save button at the top right of the Ticket Settings area.
In the Organization Mapping area, you will select a BMS/Vorex account/organization for each Workplace team you wish to map to BMS. Type the name of a BMS/Vorex account in the BMS Organization field to narrow down the options in the dropdown.
IMPORTANT You must type at least three characters in order to engage the dropdown functionality.
Click the Save button at the top right of the Organization Mapping area.