SaaS Protection file storage integration
SECURITY Full Access or Team Access privileges in Workplace Manager
NAVIGATION Configuration > Integrations
Our workflow integration with Datto SaaS Protection leverages Workplace as a storage option for Datto SaaS Protection files. The integration allows you to export your SaaS Protection data to Workplace in order to access it or share it with your colleagues. This provides an alternate method to create backups of your SaaS Protection user data and gives multiple team members access for purposes of collaboration.
The benefits include:
Export of backup snapshots, individual files, and/or folders directly from the SaaS Protection interface to Datto Workplace
Export of zip files that preserve folder structure
See exports made to Datto Workplace in SaaS Protection
Easy access from the Datto SaaS Protection backup/restore UI to Datto Workplace to see exported files
Indefinite file storage
Extensive and customizable sharing options
NOTE The Workplace project used for the integration must have an owner. If you're using a metered Workplace plan, the storage used by the integration files will come from the project owner's storage allocation. For more information about projects, please refer to Getting started: Projects.