
  • 2-FA is a security process used to confirm the identity of an authorized user, which (in the case of Workplace) consists of two authentication factors: Knowledge factor: Workplace username and password, and Possession factor: Either Google Authenticator (recommended) or a SMS (text message) Authentication by two independent factors decreases the risk of an intruder gaining access to and stealing your personal data or identity. Two-Factor Authentication may also be referred to as "2-FA" or "two-step verification."
  • Branding is the ability to customize your team name, logos, support information, support emails, and color theme in Workplace, Desktop, Server, and Mobile.
  • Comments are user-created notes attached to a project, folder, or file. Comments are a mechanism for collaboration and remain associated with the project, folder, or file, providing a clear and simple overview of conversation relating to the project, folder, or file.
  • Configuration is the area within Workplace Online that allows you to customize your site, add your integrations, and configure the site-wide policies that dictate how Workplace will behave for your team.
  • A contract is a PSA entity that governs the billing of Workplace services. A recurring Service contract is used to manage the monthly or yearly billing of Workplace seats and storage. It allows you to customize the price of Workplace services for a specific client.
  • The dashboard is an integrated, intelligent overview of all your recent project activities in Workplace.
  • A device is computing device that has access to Workplace, including both mobile devices and computers.
  • The DeviceID is a unique number that identifies a device running Workplace Desktop or Workplace Mobile.
  • A favorite is a project, folder, or file attribute that makes the item easier to locate.
  • A group is a collection of members and/or connections. Groups can be share recipients, thus making sharing simpler and more convenient.
  • A Workplace license is used to provision a member or connection so that they may access the service.
  • Any Workplace user can be a team member, connection, administrator, or super administrator in multiple team accounts. For example, a user may be an administrator on one team, a team member on another team, and a connection to a third team. Linked team accounts provide an easy way to switch from one account to another. When you participate in multiple teams, they are referred to as "linked teams," or "linked team accounts."
  • A LiveLink is an intelligent link from the PSA interface to external applications or web sites, or other areas of PSA. They are used to transfer information from PSA to Workplace.
  • If the Workplace app icon in your task/menu bar is a little cloud, you have v10. If it's a little folder, you're using v8.0.
  • A notification is an automated message to alert specified users of a particular event. Notifications are a mechanism for collaboration.
  • An opportunity is a PSA entity that allows you to track forecasted sales, including sales of Workplace services. PSA provides a workflow from creating an opportunity and a quote to provisioning a Workplace team from PSA.
  • A policy is a configurable site-wide setting that dictates how Workplace will behave for your team.
  • A project is a top-level folder within Workplace. A project is the primary container for all the folders and files that are synchronized by the Workplace service. Projects create the basic organizational structure to store data and control user access.
  • A public share allows users that do not have a named Workplace account to access a project, folder, or file within Workplace.
  • A quota, or storage quota, is the amount of storage space allocated to an individual Workplace team member.
  • A quote is a form that allows you to propose specific products and services at specific prices to a customer or prospect. A quote must be associated with an opportunity. Quotes can be shared with a customer via a Web browser.
  • A unique number that identifies a Workplace Partner.
  • A restricted user has a Workplace account, but does not have storage allocated to them, cannot create projects, and cannot see all users on the team.
  • A share recipient is a user or group to which permission to a project, folder, or file has been granted.
  • An interactive badge displayed when opening a Microsoft Office document synced via Workplace to your Mac.
  • A standard user is any user with a Workplace account to whom storage can be allocated in the Workplace environment.
  • A team is an entity, usually a company, which subscribes to the Workplace service. A team is made up of members and connections.
  • A team key is a unique alphnumeric code used by the system to deploy Workplace Desktop to desktop or laptop devices.
  • Shares are the permissions set on a project, folder, or file which determine the level of access extended to specified users and/or groups.
  • The TeamID is a unique number that identifies a Workplace team.
  • A ticket is a service request added to PSA by your customers, internal employees, or remote monitoring software. A ticket LiveLink can be used to provision a team.
  • A user is anyone with access to Workplace.
  • The UserID is a unique identifer for a member or connection within a Workplace team.
  • Workplace Manager is an online portal that allows resellers of Workplace services to manage their reseller account, as well as their client teams.
  • Workplace Mobile is the Workplace application designed specifically for the various mobile platforms, providing access to Workplace.
  • Workplace Server is a component of the Workplace service. It makes all your files accessible through Workplace while retaining local, centralized data storage so that your data is also available via your local area network (LAN). The Workplace service keeps all data on your LAN accessible internally and in sync with Workplace.