2018.6.1 Service Update
December 13, 2018
Release Notes
We're pleased to announce our 2018.6.1 Service Update, which contains the following issue resolutions:
Microsoft Office Integration Language Issue
When your Workplace Online language is changed to Swedish, Microsoft Office files opened with the MS 365 integration will now display the Office interface in Swedish rather than Danish.
For more information about our MS 365 integration, please refer to What does the Microsoft Office 365 integration allow me to do?
Password Mismatch/Match Icons
When you change your Workplace Online password and accidentally enter passwords that don't match in the New Password and Confirm Password fields, a red X displays next to the Confirm Password field and the Change Password button remains disabled:
When your entries match, a green check displays next to the Confirm Password field and the Change Password button is enabled:
For more information about changing your Workplace Online password and other account functions, please refer to Personal Information and Manage your Workplace account settings.