Configure deployment

SECURITY  Administrator or Super Administrator privileges in Workplace

NAVIGATION  Workplace Online > Configuration > Deployment > Configure button

NOTE  This feature requires Workplace Desktop 6.0 or later.

This page allows you generate team keys and to configure your preferences for deploying Workplace Desktopto your team.

In order to deploy Workplace Desktop to the users on your team, you will either generate a "team key," which will then be used by the system to deploy Workplace Desktop to desktop or laptop devices, or users can install Workplace Desktop with their user credentials.

NOTE  The team key can only be used during remote installations. If the team key is not specified during remote installation, the users credentials will be requested upon launch of Workplace Desktop. Local installation will, as always, result in a request for credentials.

Devices bound to Active Directory can be automatically approved by enabling the Automatically Approve Devices option. If this option is disabled, or if the device is not bound to Active Directory, the devices will require manual assignment and approval on the Deployment page.

Once a device is approved, whether automatically or manually, an email will be sent to the user the device is associated with, as the user's approval is also required to complete the remote deployment. When the user clicks Approve in the email, the EULA will be opened in their web browser. Once the EULA is accepted, the device will connect to the Workplace service and start syncing.

How to...