How can I upgrade my the Workplace app file server agent to Workplace Server?
I'm running the Workplace app as a file server agent, but now that Workplace Server is available, I'd like to switch in order to take advantage of its features. How do I do that?
ANSWER Uninstall the Workplace app, install Workplace Server and "Merge" to get back in sync. (It's much quicker than you think!)
Using the "Merge" function scans the local folders and links them with your Workplace projects. As all the data already exists on both sides, no data transfer occurs and therefor the process to get back in sync is very quick.
- Completely uninstall the Workplace app (make certain to not retain the user settings when prompted during uninstall!). Refer to Install or uninstall the Workplace app
- Install Workplace Server: Install or uninstall Workplace Server
- Share the project with the Workplace Server. Refer to Manage project, folder, and file team shares
- Use the merge function to link the local folders to the Workplace projects. Refer to Workplace Server: Folder Sync tab.