2019.5 Service Update
September 10, 2019
Workplace Unlimited Storage Plans - Available Now!
Unlimited storage plans are now available. Contact your Datto account manager to find out more.
Refer to Create or edit a team for details on converting metered plan teams or creating new unlimited plan teams.
Release Notes
We're pleased to present our 2019.5 Service Update. This service update includes the following:

In order to provide a more complete reporting snapshot of your users, we've added a Status column to the special Users Report. In cases in which a user has multiple statuses, only one will display. The order of status precedence is:
- Disabled
- Password locked
- Not Activated
- Active
If, for example, a user's password is locked and their account is disabled, the Status column will display Disabled.
For more information, please refer to Reports.

We've updated our terminology to make it clear that when you hide (previously archive) a project, the projects and all the items it contains are only hidden from your views and no one else's. Hidden items will be marked with a badge in lists.
As always, you can view your hidden projects by selecting the Hidden Projects filter on the All Projects page:

We've changed our internal user license (IUL) allocation model in Workplace Manager to provide our partners with up to 20 IUL user licenses.
For the first 180 days after your Workplace Manager account is enabled, those 20 licenses are available without restriction. After 180 days, you are eligible for one IUL user license for every two paid user licenses in non-IUL teams, up to a maximum of 20.
To learn more about IULs, please refer to Create or edit a team.

We have made the following changes to the Users list in Workplace Manager:
- The Storage Allocated and Storage Used columns now display by default.
- The Storage Used column has been renamed Used Storage, which is consistent with the corresponding column on the Teams list.
- The Storage Utilization column is hidden by default. You may use the column chooser to display it.

We've simplified the process for creating a custom URL on the Branding page in Workplace. Just enter your custom URL and click the Save button at the top of the page. If the URL has already been reserved, you'll be prompted to enter another.
In related matters, if you have configured a custom URL for your Workplace site, your public shares will display the correct URL.

We've expanded the range of file types that we can convert into thumbnails, so accurate thumbnails images are available for more of the files you store with Workplace.
Issue Resolutions
In addition to a variety of minor enhancements and stability improvements, the following issues are resolved in this release:

You may have noticed that at times, the Server details: Sync Errors page displays no errors, even when you've gotten a sync error alert. That's because the error has been automatically resolved between the moment the notification was generated and the moment you checked the error list. For the sake of clarity, we've added the following informational text to the sync error list when there are no items to display:
If you've received an alert email and there are no items on this list, the error condition has already been corrected and the alert item has been automatically cleared. No further action is required.

Previously, the Public Shares report may have inaccurately displayed expired shares as active. The issue has been resolved.
For general information, please refer to Reports.

If a Super Administrator was unable to create public shares as a result of policy settings, the Configure button did not display on the Manage Projects tab. This made it difficult for them to grant their service provider full access to their team. The Configure button now remains available to Super Administrators regardless of policy settings..

As always, we've included in this release a number of interface improvements and corrections.