Create or edit a team

SECURITY  Full Access or Team Access privileges in Workplace Manager. Only Full Access users can create or edit an IUL (Internal User License) team.

NAVIGATION  Teams > Create New Team or Teams > right-click on a Team > Edit Team

BEFORE YOU BEGIN  Before you can set up any teams, you must configure your support details so your clients know how to get support. Refer to Set up your support information.

NOTE  To make team creation faster and more consistent, remember to set up your Set Team Defaults. This will enable you to skip a lot of data entry and equip new teams with a default policy profile automatically.

New Workplace customers are provisioned by manually creating a new team in Workplace and optionally create the Autotask company from the team information in Workplace.

Metered vs. unlimited plans

When you create a team, you have the option to provision them with a metered plan or an unlimited plan.

IMPORTANT  Once a team has been created, you can always switch from a metered plan to an unlimited plan (refer to Convert a team from a metered plan to an unlimited plan), but you cannot switch from an unlimited plan to a metered plan.

Unlimited Plan

  • Unlimited storage for all users.
  • Simplified administration; no need for administrators to allocate storage.
  • Backup not available.
  • Cannot sync to external or network drives from Workplace Desktop. Workplace Server is required for this functionality.

Metered Plan

  • Storage is included with each user license and is added to the team. storage pool. Additional storage can be purchased manually, or you can set up an auto-increment to purchase more storage automatically when they go over their maximum.

IMPORTANT  Enabling auto-increment for storage allows you to set the increment by which it increases, but not the maximum amount of storage they are allowed to be allocated.

  • Backup available.

How to...