2022.3 Service Update
October 10, 2022
Release Notes
We're pleased to present our 2022.3 Service Update.
The stability and security of our service is always central to our development efforts. All service updates contain improvements related to that goal; those improvements may also enhance app performance.
This release also includes some small interface enhancements and corrections, as well as a number of changes and/or additions to default logos and brand indicators to reflect the recent acquisition of Datto by Kaseya.
In addition, the 2022.3 Service Update includes the following:

NOTE Your company must have both Datto Partner Portal and Kaseya IT Complete access in order for this new feature to function properly.
When you access Workplace Manager though the Partner Portal, you now have the option of logging in with Kaseya's IT Complete.
When you complete your authentication process, you'll see a new icon in the top right of your page:
Just click to see your IT Complete app launcher:

If you've only been able to provision teams with metered Workplace plans, and you haven't been able to add Workplace Server licenses for metered teams, that's changed!
The next time you log into Workplace Manager, you'll be asked if you'd like to be able to provision unlimited plans and Workplace Server for metered teams. Once you accept this upgrade, you'll be able to create unlimited plan teams, add server licenses, and convert metered teams to unlimited ones, if you so wish. For details on that process, please refer to Convert a team from a metered plan to an unlimited plan.
Only Workplace Manager users with a Full Access security level will be able to accept this offer.
For more information, please refer to How do I create a new team? and Create or edit a team.

We've added progressive page load capabilities to the Teams and Devices tabs in Workplace Manager.
This should result in an improved experience when initially loading these pages, as well as faster performance when filtering and sorting the items displayed, especially in cases in which a great many records are returned.

We've added the version numbers associated with the Workplace app installation files available to you. The app files available for download are always the most recent version. You'll find them here:
Workplace Online > Devices > Install Workplace
Workplace Online > Team > Servers >
Workplace Manager > Downloads
We've also added instructional text beneath our Workplace Server downloads, highlighting the team key installation option for Workplace Server introduced in our Workplace Server 8.4.2 release and providing a link to our help.

A back end project scan and fix process has been implemented and set to run periodically as a health check on projects. This has been implemented as part of our ongoing stability and performance improvements efforts.
Issue Resolutions

The Forgot Password link on the Workplace login page did not allow SSO-authenticated accounts to reset their password. This is expected behavior, except in cases in which there are linked accounts that are not SSO-authenticated. In those cases, an email should be sent to the user with the option of resetting their non-SSO account passwords. The issue has been resolved, and in cases of mixed authentication methods across linked accounts, using the Forgot Password function results in a reset email being sent to the user.
For related information, please refer to Manage multiple linked accounts.

If MS Office 365 is set as a user's default editor for opening documents, but the Office 365 integration was disabled, the user was presented with an permissions error message when trying to open a document. The user should instead be offered the option of selecting a different editor. The behavior has been corrected.

Searching for items by Modify Date and applying a date range resulted in a search malfunction. The issue has been fixed and all search criteria operate as intended.

An error message was occassionally displayed upon login to Workplace Manager. Refreshing the page caused the error to disappear and login was still possible, but the message should not have displayed. It no longer does.

Under extremely rare circumstances, the Manage Devices page did not load properly. The root cause of the issue has been addressed.