The GDPR mandates that all stored personal information must be made available to me upon request. How do I get this information?
ANSWER All the user information we store is readily available in the interface. Here's how to find it...

All the information we have about you is in two locations in Workplace Online: Team > Users and Reports. Access to this information depends on your security level.
If you are a restricted user, please request this information from your team administrator.
If you are a standard user, go to Team > Users > select your user. Please request report information from your team administrator.
If you are an Administrator or Super Administrator, go to Team > Users > select a user. For report information, go to the Reports tab.
User details page
The following is all the personal information stored in the service about you and visible on the User Detail page:
- User image
- Full name
- Email address (username)
- Domain account (if AD-managed user)
- Mobile number (optional)
- Country
- Time zone
- Created (time, date and by whom)
- Storage quota and storage usage
- Devices (including machine name and OS version)
- Project synced (including all folder and file names, but file contents are inaccessible)
- Backed up folders (including folder and file names, but file contents are inaccessible)
- Groups the user is a Member of
- Policy profiles applied to the user
All user activity is captured in Reports. To get all report events relating to a single user, go to each sub-tab (Team, Devices, User Access, and Projects) and set the User filter to the user in question.
In addition, Super Administrators can access the Special reports section. From the view options, select the Shares by User option. This will provide a list of all shares to all users, but can easily be exported and filtered to only show the user in question.
To learn more about reporting, refer to Reports

All the information about you that we store is available in two locations in workplace Manager: Settings > Workplace Manager Access and Reports. Only Workplace Manager users with Administrator permissions may access these areas.
Workplace Manager Access Page
Go to Settings > Workplace Manager Access > select user. The following is all the personal information stored in the service about you and visible on the Workplace Manager User Detail page:
- Full Name
- Email address (username)
- Phone number (optional)
- Security level
- Time Zone
- Last login
On the Reports tab, set the User filter to the user in question.