How do I view and manage my end user teams' Workplace license allocation? And how do I know which teams need licensing adjustment?
ANSWER First, get an overview of your licensing situation. Then determine exactly which teams need adjustments. Then edit license numbers as needed.

Go to Workplace Manager > Dashboard.
Take a look at the Usage Summary widget. It looks like this:
This widget shows a count of used licenses vs. allocated licenses. Any disparity between these values means that you are paying for licenses that are not being used by your teams, so you'll want to identify which teams require adjustments. To do so, proceed to Step 2.

Go to Workplace Manager > Teams.
Compare the numbers in the User Licenses and the Used User Licenses columns. Do the same for the Server Licenses and Used Server Licenses columns. If they are not equal, the team has too many license allocated to it.
For each team in that situation, proceed to Step 3.

Detailed instructions for this process are right here in this FAQ: How do I adjust the number of licenses allocated to a team?
NOTE If you provision teams with metered plans, you might also want to take a look at How does storage allocation work?