
SECURITY  Full Access


The Reports tab allows you to report on activity within Workplace Manager, like when a team is updated or when a manager logs in. These reports provide an audit trail of changes to your Workplace Manager instance.

NOTE  For detailed reports on individual client teams, access the team's Workplace Online portal, then click the Reports tab.

The reports on this page are comprised of five columns:

Icon: The icons represent the group of event types to which the item belongs.

Manager Setting Events
Policy setting changed, default policy profile setting changed, or team defaults changed.
Manager User Events
Manager user created, deleted, updated, linked, unlinked, logged in, login failed, or notifications updated.
Team Events
Team created, updated, deleted, or managed, team account updated, or branding changed.

Event Type: The category of event that took place.

Event Details: More information about the report event.

User: The name of the user who initiated the event.

Date: The date and time the event took place.

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