Workplace Server Requirements

BEFORE YOU BEGIN  You must have a Workplace Server license.

Workplace Server requires the following:


  • Intel i7 or later
  • 16GB RAM
  • 2GB available hard disk space



  • Windows 10 with latest service packs
  • Windows 11 or later
  • Windows Server 2016 or later

IMPORTANT  Workplace Server requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later. The .NET framework to be installed independently.

Take into consideration the other processes running on the machine hosting Workplace Server, and ensure that sufficient resources are available for optimal operation.

NOTE  If you are running Workplace Server on a Virtual Machine, we recommend allocating at least four cores to that Virtual Machine.

IMPORTANT  Only one instance of Workplace Server may be installed per device.

Workplace Server requirements are directly correlated to usage (and thus throughput). For smaller deployments, with low to moderate throughput, the minimum specifications may be adequate. A large scale deployment with a high numbers of Workplace users and frequent file activity (e.g. uploads, downloads, modifications) may need more powerful hardware and/or multiple Workplace Server installations.

Workplace Server requires excellent throughput to local storage. If feasible, install Workplace Server on the local storage device. Alternatively, we recommend that you use a dedicated machine to run Workplace Server and ensure a high-speed, stable Ethernet connection to the local storage.

Internet Connection

IMPORTANT  A good Internet connection is critical.

Once again, Workplace requirements are correlated to throughput. On top of the current Internet traffic, Workplace Server may potentially transfer large amounts of data. As a rough guide, we recommend a minimum in the range of 10-50 Mb/second (up and down), depending on the line quality.

IMPORTANT  In order for Workplace Server to function properly, please confirm that ports 80 and 443 are open for outbound traffic using TCP. For details, refer to Workplace ports and IP addresses.

Syncing Projects Through Workplace Server

Projects must be shared with a specific Workplace server before they can be synced to that server. Refer to Manage project, folder, and file team shares.

Workplace Security Requirements

An administrator account within the Workplace team.