2020.1 Service Update
April 18, 2020
Release Notes
We're pleased to present our 2020.1 Service Update. This release includes the following features and issue resolutions:

You know those popup announcements that appear when you log into Workplace Manager? Those same messages will now be emailed to you so you don't miss any important messages from us if you haven't logged in for a while.

If the Workplace trial period for one of your client teams is coming to a close and they're enjoying their experience, you'll want to ensure service continuity. To that end, we'll now send you a alert email the day before a client team trial expires.
These alert emails are sent to the notification recipients set on the Notifications page unless overridden on a per-team basis on the Create or edit a team page.

As we move towards consistency of presentation within the Datto product portfolio and continue our efforts to provide the most elegant user experience possible, you'll see more and more streamlined and updated interfaces. With this release, we've redesigned the Workplace Manager pages on which you Manage your Workplace Manager user account and Set up your support information, as well as the Team Detail, Device Detail, and User Detail pages.

To enhance the security of your data, we've implemented a new policy that enables you to set the number of months after which a device that has not connected to the Workplace service will be automatically disabled, and automatically recycled when disabled for a specified number of months.
An email notification will be sent to team administrators
IMPORTANT This policy is enabled by default, with a setting of 3 months since last connection before a device is disabled, and 12 months in a disabled state before the device is recycled. If no action is taken, recycled devices will be purged after 90 days, in accordance with current functionality.

In order to help you keep the number of Workplace share notifications to a minimum, we've improved the default settings and options for notification when you're sharing items with your teammates. The Send notification check box is not selected by default, but if you do select it, Send email will be the default notification type. We've retained the ability to send a text message, of course, and to edit that message before sending.
For detailed information, please refer to Manage project, folder, and file team shares.

When a user received an email with a password-protected Workplace file link while they were not logged into Workplace, the link password prompt could have been mistaken for a login password prompt, thereby creating confusion. In order to clarify which type of password is required, we have changed the password field prompt from Enter Password to Enter Public Share Password.
Issue Resolutions
In addition to a variety of minor enhancements and stability improvement, the following issues are resolved in this release:

We've improved the back end process for uploading files via Workplace Online to further enhance the robustness of this function.

We've also made our integration with ConnectWise more robust.

Attempts to download more than one file from a previous version of a project or folder resulted in the download of the latest versions instead. Simultaneous downloads of multiple files from a previous version now function correctly.

While the online view of this information was correct, the exported report was not. Both the online and report view now display expired shares accurately.