2021.3 Service Update
July 27, 2021
Release Notes
We're pleased to present our 2021.3 Service Update. In addition to a variety of minor enhancements and stability improvements, this release includes the following features, changes, and issue resolutions:

Our new Integrations tab in the Configuration area provides a simple interface that provides centralized management of all your integrations. From user management and document editor integrations (which have moved here from Policy Profiles) to file sharing APIs, your integrations will be easier to find and manage now that they're all in one place.
We've also added a new file sharing API that makes adding new integrations a simple process, and built-in, interactive documentation removes all guesswork.
For details, please refer to Integrations

We're happy to present dark mode in Workplace Manager for those who'd like to give their eyes a bit of a rest. It's also really, really attractive, so feel free to try it out.
You can always turn dark mode on or off right on your My Account page, where we've added a new control for it. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to Change your display mode.

We've streamlined and enhanced the interface you use for creating and editing teams in Workplace Manager. The presentation is more elegant and fields are easier to locate and update. For details, please refer to Create or edit a team.
While we were in there, though, we added two enhancements...
Previously, if you wanted to add an administrator user while creating a new team, you only had the option of creating a super administrator. Now you can select which admin security level you want them to have. Of course, you can still choose to not add an admin when you create a team.
Second, converting a trial team to a paying customer is easier than ever. If you open a trial mode team in the Edit Team view, you'll see the new Convert to Billed Team button. To execute the conversion, just click the button and save.
IMPORTANT Once you save this change, the team cannot be converted back to a trial team. Conversion from a trial team to a billed team is irreversible.

You can now see all of your team's locked files in one place on the Manage Projects page. Just go to Team > Manage Projects, and click the Locked Files button to generate a list of all files in Workplace currently locked by any method, across all users. From here, you'll have access to all file functions that you'd normally be able to execute on this page.
We've also made a change to the behavior of the Manage Servers > Server details: Locked Files view. Previously, this view displayed only files that were locked by the application and then converted to a system lock by the Workplace Server. All locked files will now be displayed in that view, regardless of the method by which they were locked.

In the interest of clarity, we've renamed the Saved Reports function in Workplace
We'd also like to draw your attention to the integration-related events now available on the Team report for administrators:
- Integration Created
- Configuration Changed
- Integration Deleted
- Integration Enabled
- Integration Disabled
- Folder Linked
- Folder Unlinked
Changes made to items via the new file sharing API will appear in existing report events with the name you gave the integration.
For more information, please refer to Reports.

In order to offer a consistent experience across Workplace components, we've changed two tab titles on the Workplace Online dashboard. The "Recent Changes" tab is now titled "Team Activity," and "Locked Files" is now simply called "Locked." This brings these titles into alignment with the naming conventions we've employed in Workplace v10 and Workplace Mobile.

We've split the display of information on the User Detail view so that it's easier to read and consistent with our other detail views:

We've removed this option from the interface public share recipients see when they view an item, as all items nested under it were available on the main button menu for that interface.
Issue resolutions
In this release, we've also continued our series of improvements to the "data collector" that pulls information from all teams to Workplace Manager pages. Lag time issues might have resulted in intermittent slow load times and errors for some pages. We've made progress on these issues and this release addresses some of the primary underlying causes. Please look forward to more improvements in this area.
In addition to the issue resolutions list below, we continue to make general improvements to enhance stability, performance, and the end user experience. An improvement of note is the resolution of several issues related to service and app communication, which will enhance Workplace app performance and stability.

On Branding pages, the "select your own color" color wheel function did not work correctly. Users are now able to set their own custom color, as designed.

In Workplace team portal, selecting a project with multiple image files in it, then opening one of the images should provide the user with the ability to navigate from one image to another. In this issue, selecting such an image did not allow for navigation between images. Users can now move back and forth between images.

When files or folders were moved, the comments associated with them were not retained as they ought to have been. Comments now remain associated with items after they have been moved.

Under some circumstances, undeleting a project or folder could fail. The issue has been resolved, and the undelete function now works as designed.

Files with .drw and .dwf extensions did not convert properly for display in Workplace Online. The issue has been corrected for these file types; they can now be converted and displayed successfully.

An attempt to change a team plan from metered to unlimited failed in some scenarios. The conversion process now works as intended.

Prompts to correct data entry errors upon validation did not appear in red text, making them more difficult to see and act upon. They now do.

The multiple malware events popup displayed the name of the MSP rather than the affected team. In addition, an acknowledgment button was displayed rather than an "Open Incident" button, making it difficult to determine which team was affected by the events. All issues have been resolved and the workflow and interface now function as designed.

When a user was deleted and their projects reassigned, the storage consumed by the reassigned projects did not transfer to the new assigned user, rendering the used storage amount reported in Workplace Manager inaccurate. Used storage amounts will now appear correctly in Workplace manager when a user is deleted and their projects are reassigned.

Some report events available in Workplace Online were not available in Manager > Manage Team > Reports, so we've updated the events available for the Team report so that Workplace Manager users have exactly the same options as those available to Workplace administrators.