QUESTION   How do I manage a specific team?

I want to perform some administration tasks for a specific team, like configuring their site, managing (adding and removing) users, setting up groups, managing devices, and generating reports. How do I do that?

NOTE  To take a more hands-on approach to helping individual teams manage their projects, you'll need Super Administrator privileges. For more information on how to establish those permissions, please refer to this FAQ: I'd like to help a team manage their projects. How can I do that?

ANSWER  If you have Full Access or Team Access privileges in Workplace Manager, just follow these steps...

  1. Log in to Workplace Manager.
  2. Click Teams in the top navigation bar.
  3. Find the team for which you wish to manage settings.

NOTE  If the team you wish to administer is your own internal user license (IUL) Workplace team, you must be a Full Access user in Workplace Manager. For more about permissions, please refer to Security levels and permissions.

  1. Right-click on the team row and select Manage Team. This will open the File Protection portal for that team. From there, you can administer that team's Users, Groups, Devices, Security, etc.

NOTE  To learn more, refer to Manage end clients.